There are many ways to help support our mission here at the The Highground, a financial contribution has a significant impact to all of our campaigns, whether it be veterans programming, facility maintenance and upkeep, or supporting our volunteers to accomplish their goals of honoring those who have served. Please donate to our cause today so that we can maintain the high level of programming to our mission as we have done for over 30 years!
Quick Donate
The funds you donate will support day to day operations, programming, events, and other activities that The Highground provides!
Giving Tuesday
For Giving Tuesday 2023 The Highground is raising money to maintain and replace the flags around the park
Holiday Lights
Help support illuminating The Highground by sponsoring an Honor Stone on the plaza in memory of a loved one
Challenge Coin Program
Receive coins as they are released with themes based on tributes, events, and Highground history by pledging a small monthly contribution!
eBay for Charity
Support The Highground by selling for charity! Find out how you can support us in this unique way!
PayPal Support
Tap into the community and start your own PayPal for Charity Page! Money goes to The PayPal Giving fund and then is given to The Highground as a grant! Click here to find out more!