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“Civil War & The Midwest” Exhibit Grand Opening

The public is invited to attend a fun & educational Grand Opening of the exhibit, “Civil War & the Midwest” at The Highground Museum at The Highground Veterans Memorial Park near Neillsville, on Friday,
Oct. 4 th at 6pm.

The Grand Opening will feature Ward Zischke, the command historian for the 88 th Regional SupportCommand, who will be portraying a Union Invalid/Veterams Reserve Corps Soldier and will also discuss many aspects of the Civil War and answer questions. The Neillsville Area Players will also be supporting this Grand Opening with members in period dress.

The exhibit includes an overview of the Civil War with an emphasis on the Iron Brigade of the West, which included several units from Wisconsin and took part in most of the key battles during the War. The exhibit also contains a very meaningful display on the emotional toll that was taken on the Civil War soldier with a large display on loan from the National Museum of Civil War Medicine.
Upham Mansion in Marshfield loaned several artifacts to be included in the exhibit from their collection of Governor William H. Upham Civil War items. Ward Zischke has loaned The Highground the use of many replica items representing what everyday life was like for the Union Civil War soldier, along with his collection of battle maps and books. John Dudkiewicz, of the Company B 2 nd Wisconsin Civil War Re-enactment
Unit generously loaned the use of a replica Iron Brigade uniform including the famous Black Hat. The Highground thanks all of these generous donors that helped make this unique exhibit possible. The Gand Opening will be held from 6pm – 8pm and is a great event for the entire family. The exhibit will only be on display until October 30th .


Oct 04 2019


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


The Highground
W7031 Ridge Rd, Neillsville, WI 54456


Theresa Hebert
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