In This Newsletter
- The 40th Annual Bike Tour Raises $74,222
- Remembering David Giffey
- Honor Stones and 2025 Ceremony Dates
- Memorials and Honorariums
- Veterans Crisis Line
- Event Highlights
- ATV and Quilt Raffle Tickets
- Fall Bake Sale
- Fall Cleanup Days
- Calendar of Events
- Mission Recap
- 4-Day Outdoor Skills Retreat Held for Female Veterans
- Men’s Retreat at The Highground September 27-29
- Female Veterans Gather at The Highground for a Weekend Retreat
- The Vietnam Veterans Reunion Hosted Over 300 Veterans
- Ride to Remember Sponsor Thank You
- Information Request and Volunteer Form
- Museum News
- Making Appointments
- “Back in the World” Exhibit
- Attention School Teachers & Home-Schooled Families
- David Giffey – Vietnam Veteran Artist & Designer of the Dove Mound
- “We Were There: Vietnam War” Documentary Project
- Event News
- The 40th Annual Bike Tour (cont. from page 1)
- Engines Roared as The Honor Ride Arrived at The Highground
- Fall Vets & Guitars
- A Message from Executive Director Chris Pettis
- Donation from the Leathernecks Motorcycle Club International
- Sponsor an “Honor Star” on the Plaza in Memory of a Loved One
- Veterans Programs
- Board of Directors and Staff Listings
- The Season of Giving Starts with Giving Tuesday on December 3
- Gift Shop Featured Items
- Wish List and Gifting Opportunities
- Benefits of a Charitable Bequest
- Newsletter Subscription Request
- Building Expansion Update
- Let Them Not Go In Silence