What beautiful quilts The Highground had to raffle off on Dec. 18, 2021! 27 quilts were donated and helped raise over $4000 for the organization. Quilts came from quilters in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa.

The Highground is exceedingly grateful to all the quilters who gave their time and talent to make this raffle a success: American Legion Post #154 Mondovi (Joan Garlick and non-member Linda Johnston), Cheri Back, Sandy Bartels, Gladys Beese, Debra Berg, Janet Boss, Debbie Rueth Carew, Delia Chy, Crazy Heart Quilters, Laura Culver, Jenny Erlandson, First Lutheran Church Ladies, Jessica Galde, Sue Guenther, Julie Hiles, Jenny Hoffman, Bill Imholte, Donna Kaufer, Mary Lou Kirchner, Coni Johnson, Eunice Lacoy, Maletta Lewis, Sylvia Limmex, Mary Jo Mataczynski, Peggy Ottum, Candy Patrick, Piece Corps-Faith Lutheran Church (Beverly Hora, Bonnie Uhren, Audrey Tesch, Mary Thums), Quilts for Children & Families, Marge Rohland, Cyndie Schultz, Mary Sis, Renee Slowiak, Jennifer Sobotta, Trinity Lutheran Church Quilters, VFW Post #6550 Strum (Terry Stiner, Linda Johnston), Wandering Quilters (Jean Rieke), Louise Wagner and Alice Weickelt.

Congratulations to all the winners: Roger Carl, Deb Debostold, James Feneli, Kathy Hagen, Janet Heister, Janice Kohler, Steph Kotek, Tracy Kallas, Shan Kramer, Jerry Leahy, S. Leonard, Lucille Neary, Peggy Ottum, Roxane Purgett, Kay Rog, Deanna Rotar, Brad Schelklman, Carol Shea, Sharon Siegler, Justine Sova, Katie Stamp, Mike Swansby, Deb Syring, Diane Tramm, Deb Weirauch and Kay Weirauch.

The Highground is starting to accept patriotic quilting projects for 2022 to be raffled off in December and is excited to see what the amazing quilters come up with for this year.

Quilts can be any dimension from wall hanging to king size with a patriotic design/colors. Quilts will be displayed in the Museum as they come in with a full display of quilts early in December.

For questions about this year’s quilt raffle, please call The Highground at 715-743-4224.