Liberty Bell
The Liberty Bell Education Foundation was founded in 1976 by a group of businessmen from Minnesota. Their goal was to bring to the citizens of the Nation the true, inspiring story of the founding of our Republic, and the principals of personal freedom upon which this founding was achieved. An exact replica of the original Liberty Bell was cast in France. The replica Liberty Bell was mounted on a trailer and taken to thousands of schools throughout the United States, allowing over a million children in 36 states the opportunity to learn about this symbol of freedom.
When the tour director died, the Liberty Bell Education Foundation ceased giving public presentations. After considering a number of options, the Foundation decided that the best place for the replica Liberty Bell to continue its patriotic mission was at The Highground.
The Highground Liberty Bell is housed in an authentic timber frame building which was crafted in May 2002 by Master Timber Framer Lyle Lindholm and volunteers.