The Gold Star Tribute
The Gold Star on The Highground is a tribute to all families who have ever lost a loved one during any of our nation’s conflicts. At The Highground it is also a tribute to all families who have helped and continue to help the survivors who came home.
The Gold Star Mother organization began in 1928. The idea grew during World War I when small banners or pennants were displayed in the front windows of the homes of those who had son(s) and/or daughter(s) serving in the armed forces. A Blue Star on a white field indicated a family member was in the service. A Gold Star indicated that a family member had lost their life while serving their country.
Located east of the plaza, the Gold Star measures 125′ from point to point. The original Gold Star consisted of Juniper trees outlined with Dart’s Gold Nine Bark Bushes. When the bushes had to be replaced, Sunkist Arborvitae was chosen. This living memorial at The Highground recognizes the sacrifices made by our families and pays tribute to them all.