Those who served or have loved ones who served in the Greater Middle East from the 1950s to present day, are invited to add their stories to an exhibition being planned for June 11–Sept 18, 2022. The exhibition will include a timeline of the history of U.S. military involvement in the Greater Middle East region, personal stories, uniforms, memorabilia, photographs and more.
Within the exhibition, there will be a permanent “Memorial to the Fallen” display honoring the men and women who were killed while serving in the U.S. military from Desert Storm through present day.
Each of the fallen service personnel will be remembered with an individual framed 8 x 10 photograph displayed on a series of metal framed walls. The photographs will be accompanied with their service information and information / photos shared by their loved ones. There will also be displays of memorabilia, uniforms and details of the military campaigns. A second identical display will be created that can travel. Project costs are estimated to be $2,100 ($4,200 to complete both sets). To sponsor the project contact Theresa at The Highground Museum.
The memorial will be centered around all troops lost from Wisconsin, but families of those killed while serving from other states are invited to contact The Highground to have their loved one included in the exhibit.
For information about the exhibition and memorial project, sponsorship opportunities or to submit a story, contact Theresa by email at or by phone at 715-743-4224.
The Highground is located at W7031 Ridge Rd., Neillsville, WI 54456.